Sitio web principal de Asahi Linux:
Pegue el comando en la terminal:
¡Perdón de antemano por la mala calidad del sonido! ► Enlace: Lista de compatibilidad de juegos Master M1:
► Obtenga la nueva Mac M1 aquí (enlace de Amazon):
► Mis ajustes de grabación: ► ► Mi dispositivo: DJI Pocket 2 –
Lector de tarjetas SD Anker USB 3.0 –
► ► Mac: Grabar audio de pantalla y juego (Mac):
Establecer relación de aspecto 16:9 (Mac):
Resalte el cursor del mouse (Mac):
Visualización de teclas (Mac):
Capturar ventana gráfica (rectangular, Mac):
Monitor de temperatura/ventilador (Mac):
► ► General: Configuración del micrófono (Yeti azul):
Configuración de pantalla verde (OBS):
Resalte el cursor del mouse (Windows):
DIY 2TB SSD USB-C (Mac y Windows):
► Juegos de Windows en Mac: ► Tutorial de Windows M1 en Mac: ► Prueba gratuita de 14 días de CrossOver: use el cupón APPLEGAMINGWIKI para obtener un 25 % de descuento:
► ► Parallels 17 Utilice el código APPLEWIKI10 para obtener un 10 % de descuento:
Marcas de tiempo: 00:00 Asahi Linux 01:01 Requisitos del sistema 01:41 Instalación de Asahi Linux 04:07 Arranque en modo de recuperación 05:47 Prueba de Linux en MacBook Air M1 07:16 ¿Linux Proton Gaming en M1? Divulgación de afiliados de Amazon: Andrew Tsai participa en el Programa de asociados de Amazon Services LLC, un programa de publicidad de afiliados diseñado para proporcionarnos un medio para ganar dinero mediante enlaces a Amazon.com y sitios afiliados y otros métodos de pago de programas afiliados.
ARM is definitely not good for games.
I'd love to see a vid on how to run Asahi Linux in a VM on VMware Fusion on a M1 Mac.
I get this when trying to resize:
Started APFS operation
Aligning shrink delta to 94.663.512.064 bytes and targeting a new physical store size of 899.999.072.256 bytes
Determined the minimum size for the targeted physical store of this APFS Container to be 994.662.584.320 bytes
Error: -69521: Your APFS Container resize request is below the APFS-system-imposed minimal container size (perhaps caused by APFS Snapshot usage by Time Machine)
Failed to run process: diskutil apfs resizeContainer disk0s2 899999072256
root : ERROR Process execution failed
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/private/tmp/asahi-install/main.py", line 852, in <module>
File "/private/tmp/asahi-install/main.py", line 704, in main
while self.main_loop():
File "/private/tmp/asahi-install/main.py", line 824, in main_loop
return self.action_resize(parts_resizable)
File "/private/tmp/asahi-install/main.py", line 635, in action_resize
self.dutil.resizeContainer(target.name, val)
File "/private/tmp/asahi-install/diskutil.py", line 208, in resizeContainer
self.action("apfs", "resizeContainer", name, size, verbose=2)
File "/private/tmp/asahi-install/diskutil.py", line 38, in action
subprocess.run(["diskutil"] + list(args), check=True)
File "/private/tmp/asahi-install/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/lib/python3.9/subprocess.py", line 528, in run
raise CalledProcessError(retcode, process.args,
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['diskutil', 'apfs', 'resizeContainer', 'disk0s2', '899999072256']' returned non-zero exit status 1.
If you need to file a bug report, please attach the log file:
Any idea how to fix this?
Also I confirmed this works on air M2
Can I kill the MacOS after the Linux install?
Can this still be installed if I no longer have OS X to run from? i.e standalone install like other Linux's?
Wait but what if i want to go back to mac
is there a way?
I love how confidently you introduced Linux running on the Apple ARM chip. Good for you. Great way to start a video. Look straight into the camera and say "I've kicked some ass on this one".
Give it one more year and the open source community will absolutely dominate the m1 chips 😉
When I tried installing Asahi, I got this error:
"Unable to determine primary OS.
This installer requires you to already have a macOS install with
at least one administrator user that is a machine owner.
Please run this installer from your main macOS instance or its
paired recovery, or ensure the default boot volume is set correctly."
I'm on a new M1 MacBook on version 12.3 OSX. Can you advise?
Great video! Is it possible to install to a external drive?
so in theory… boot camp could work one day
I get this erorr after resizing ,
Failed to run process: diskutil apfs resizeContainer disk0s2 899999072256
Buy MAC, install linux on him xD
i think its possible to run Windows later
Amazing that even some of the function buttons work fine! 🙂
I'm stuck in boot loop. Maybe I did some mistake. How do I get the disk space back now ? Can someone help?
Нахуя, главное – зачем???
I am stuck at the final installation part where I have to enter my username in the terminal window but my MacBook sayas that’s the wrong “authorized user”
What kind of chair are you seated at? It looks comfy!
I have no audio device found , any clue?
Hi Andrew, could you please advise me on what I should do after seeing this error during the resizing partition process? I followed exactly what you did and tried different size but all of them generate the same error below:
Performing deferred repairs
error: doc-id tree record exists for doc-id 244770, but no inode references this doc-id
Skipped 2/2 repairs of this type in total
Deferred repairs skipped
The container /dev/disk0s2 could not be verified completely
Storage system check exit code is 8
Error: -69716: Storage system verify or repair failed
Failed to run process: diskutil apfs resizeContainer disk0s2 419999776768
root : ERROR Process execution failed
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/private/tmp/asahi-install/main.py", line 820, in <module>
File "/private/tmp/asahi-install/main.py", line 672, in main
while self.main_loop():
File "/private/tmp/asahi-install/main.py", line 792, in main_loop
return self.action_resize(parts_resizable)
File "/private/tmp/asahi-install/main.py", line 612, in action_resize
self.dutil.resizeContainer(target.name, val)
File "/private/tmp/asahi-install/diskutil.py", line 208, in resizeContainer
self.action("apfs", "resizeContainer", name, size, verbose=2)
File "/private/tmp/asahi-install/diskutil.py", line 38, in action
subprocess.run(["diskutil"] + list(args), check=True)
File "/private/tmp/asahi-install/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/lib/python3.9/subprocess.py", line 528, in run
raise CalledProcessError(retcode, process.args,
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['diskutil', 'apfs', 'resizeContainer', 'disk0s2', '419999776768']' returned non-zero exit status 1.
If you need to file a bug report, please attach the log file:
can i install linux on external hard drive?
Well.. let's get the installation begin
When Thunderbolt + PCIe drivers are reversed engineered _ no idea how tough it would be _ will we be able to connect a eGPU enclosure with an AMD GPU and then play 3D AAA games like a boss?
isnt macOS a linux too ?
This is amazing. I'll probably give it a try at some point. I am not a fan of Apple software, but the hardware is great.
Can this work on the m1 iPad Pro?
Proton wont work on arm.
It uses wine which just uses x86 binaries, looks for windows specific calls and turns them into Linux ones.
It doesn't do any instruction translation.
The only way to make it work would be running proton on top of rosseta which kinda defeats the point
Did that 15 years ago with Debian.
What benefits do you get running Linux on Macs?
There already is Proton for macOS.
This is the 1st time I'm interested in a Mac device it was the battery life and performance that got to me. Seeing Linux on it has me even more interested.
So how do apt get packages work? Do they just work, or do we have to wait until they make m1 compatible packages for everything?
Nice. Honestly Macs make some of the best linux machines. I was, up until recently, using my 2011 MacBook Pro as a linux machine and it ruled. It eventually did break (rip old friend) but I have a new MacBook Pro and when osx starts becoming too much for it I'll for sure be putting linux on it.
I don't care about Linux. I want Windows on the M1 Mac. People will switch only if Windows can work.
Proton uses Wine which is translator of commands thats have to be the same architecture as host machine. So Wine under arm64 can only run Windows arm64 apps. Which makes understanding that there is no way to run Proton on MacBooks in the way it works on Steam Desk.
Looks like I'm ordering an M1 MacBook next week, let's go!
how would i unsinstall this?
wtf, nice news
Thanks! Is it possible to install on external ssd?
Like putting a ford engine in Rolls
Mac OS is far better than Linux, why to install it on Mac?