Dios Génesis es un servidor C2 codificado puramente en Python3 diseñado para ayudar a los equipos rojos y a los evaluadores de penetración. Actualmente solo es compatible con el shell inverso de TCP, pero espere, es un FUD que le dará un shell administrativo desde cualquier máquina WINDOWS de destino.
Lista de comandos que admite: –
=================================================================================================== BASIC COMMANDS: =================================================================================================== help --> Show This Options terminate --> Exit The Shell Completely exit --> Shell Works In Background And Prompted To C2 Server clear --> Clear The Previous Outputs =================================================================================================== SYSTEM COMMANDS: =================================================================================================== cd --> Change Directory pwd --> Prints Current Working Directory mkdir *dir_name* --> Creates A Directory Mentioned rm *dir_name* --> Deletes A Directoty Mentioned powershell [command] --> Run Powershell Command start *exe_name* --> Start Any Executable By Giving The Executable Name =================================================================================================== INFORMATION GATHERING COMMANDS: =================================================================================================== env --> Checks Enviornment Variables sc --> Lists All Services Running user --> Current User info --> Gives Us All Information About Compromised System av --> Lists All antivirus In Compromised System =================================================================================================== DATA EXFILTRATION COMMANDS: =================================================================================================== download *file_name* --> Download Files From Compromised System upload *file_name* --> Uploads Files To Victim Pc =================================================================================================== EXPLOITATION COMMANDS: =================================================================================================== persistence1 --> Persistance Via Method 1 persistence2 --> Persistance Via Method 2 get --> Download Files From Any URL chrome_pass_dump --> Dump All Stored Passwords From Chrome Bowser wifi_password --> Dump Passwords Of All Saved Wifi Networks keylogger --> Starts Key Logging Via Keylogger dump_keylogger --> Dump All Logs Done By Keylogger python_install --> Installs Python In Victim Pc Without UI
Características de nuestro marco
Mira el video para obtener información detallada.
1. The Payload.py is a FULLY UNDETECTABLE(FUD) use your own techniques for making an exe file. (Best Result When Backdoored With Some Other Legitimate Applictions) 2. Able to perform privilege escalation on any windows systems. 3. Fud keylogger 4. 2 ways of achieving persistance 5. Recon automation to save your time.
¿Cómo utilizar nuestras herramientas?
git clone pip3 install -r requirements.txt python3 c2c.py
Vale la pena mencionar que Suman Chakraborty Contribuyó al marco escribiendo los módulos Fud Keyloger, Wifi Password Extraction y Chrome Password Dumper.