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Compra un protector de pantalla dbrand para tu Steam Deck:
Finalmente podemos hablar sobre la experiencia de software del próximo Steam Deck de Valve, y bueno, aún no está terminado… pero eso no significa que no debas comprarlo. He aquí por qué. Discutir en el foro:
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Crédito musical———————————————— — Introducción: Laszlo – Supernova Enlace del vídeo: iTunes Enlace de descarga:
Canción final: Close to Nirvana – Sugar High Enlace del vídeo: Escúchalo en Spotify:
Enlace del artista: Animación introductoria de MBarek Abdelwassaa
Monitor y teclado Autor: vadimmihalkevich / CC BY 4.0
BigBrotherECE Teclado mecánico RGB/CC BY 4.0
Modelo gratuito de Mouse Player de Oscar Creativo/CC BY 4.0
capítulo————————————————- — 0:00 Introducción 2:18 Inicio de sesión y experiencia 3:12 Botones de Steam, navegación y problemas de crecimiento 3:35 Experiencia en la tienda y búsqueda de juegos compatibles 7:01 Biblioteca y velocidad de descarga 7:40 Experiencia de compatibilidad de juegos 8:10 Steam decks frente a equivalentes de Windows 9:40 Menú de acceso rápido 10:54 Valve hace que otros fabricantes de consolas queden mal: la historia de Xbox 12:42 Modo sin conexión y almacenamiento dinámico en la nube… más o menos 13:57 Cosas que aún necesitan ser arreglado 14:37 Como en la sala: Juegos incompatibles 15:41 Solución temporal para incompatibilidades de juegos 16:03 Valve acepta que aún no está terminado 16:41 Linus está cambiando a Deck
The way he describes this software reminds me of a 3ds a bit silly at first but very fun after a while
2:37 OH MY GOD VTOL VR!!!!
This video is completely obsolete. SteamOS is now better than windows
all you really need now is just a Switch and a Deck. i know you can emulate Switch games but it's way too much of a hassle and a Switch is still pretty good for family games and on the go multiplayer. i'm hoping Valve brings in some support for the Index and the Deck at some point. Valve ecosystem would go crazy
i love how pretty much ALL of these issues is fixed.
Crazy how fast valve fixed nearly EVERY issue they mentioned in this video
This video was supposed to talk about the bad parts about the steam deck… supposed to. It’s was still almost 90% praise xD
They have solved most of this.
its nice to go back to this video a year later and see 90% of these problems fixed, thanks valve!
you have also lgtones well i have the fp9 just can recommend them
2:58 : Mmmm it's tactile screen …. so … use it .. 😀
The best part about the steam deck arent the games, but the game of getting things to run.
I think at the time, Valve was betting on the fact that with the help of the end users, they could improve the Steam Deck far faster and far more completely than if they just did it themselves.
They should really update this video lol
i love mine
No matter how you feel about the Steam Deck, it is unarguable that it is a success.
The other handhelds that have launched, some from big names like ASUS, are proof that valve has broken and then remade the mold that Nintendo was hinting at with the Switch.
And it is Linux. Linux is better today because of the Steam Deck because more eyeballs and developers are looking at it.
Maybe you should do a comparison video 2022 steam deck vs 2023 steam deck.
I wonder if Linus will ever do an updated review on this awesome PC (Portable computer) aka the steam deck aka the console nintendo never made.
This aged poorly
Bought mine today.
also the month use video never came out and I was really excited to click through to that 🙁
To anyone who currently owns this device or anyone on the LTT team, has any of this been fixed/resolved? Just curious.
It ended up working out, it's far from incomplete now, you couldn't give Valve a few months to work out all the kinks?
valve losing money on each steamdeck is very valve
You guys should do a steam deck update video. 😊
I bought my steam deck 14 months after launch and it is amazing! So many of these issues have been fixed and playing 95% of my steam library wherever I go is fantastic!
Dude Linus, you are so good! Your presentation on screen is always organic. You're funny, quirky, and super knowledgeable and in the know, of what gamers, computer geeks, tech geeks, etc are really looking for in their day to day experiences with tech. Also, you're not afraid to call out flaws and gatekeeping practices. ✊🏿
Literally 99% of linuses complaints have been fixed by now. Gaben #1
Hi, it would be fun if you guys did a video on the steamdeck again while it has been released for a while!
For new Steam Deck owners I highly recommend installing Decky Loader for appearance customisation and especially for the use of Fantastic to increase your fan speeds at lower temperatures, and looking up CryoByte's video on using his CryoUtilities program because it's pretty amazing how it literally gives you free performance
We need a “steam deck 1 year later” video
Hey Linus- we NEED a one year later from yall
Biggest dissappointment is with genshin impact , it runs it worse than a red magic 8 pro and via side clients that need to start the game
It's weird how all of their reviews ignore the size of this monstrous device.
Can you update? It must've gotten better, aside from few wierd bugs like recently i couldn't load friend options so i could invite to remote play together. (i changed system from stable to preview and it fixed things)
The cool thing about the deck is that you can play old and new games and if you want to play something super demanding you could play it through ge force now on your deck
I don't really enjoy pc gaming but I like some pc games and the deck is literally all that's good about the pc gaming scene
Linus the keyboard doesn't roll smoothly:
Valve: Why are you ignoring the square thingies.
BTW that save pop-up warning doesn't mean anything, it still works.
We need a follow up video!
It's crazy to hear that this is what the initial user experience was like for the stream deck. I use my deck almost daily and these short comings are completely foreign for me.
I have to say I got my deck in October and from then to now its gotten quite a bit better and it's constantly evolving. I love it
Well, milf wife cheat to meet my meat IS Linux compatible 😜
Steam deck isn’t a computer, it’s an open-source console
And not anyone pointed out that the steam deck has Square touch pads. Yes, a control that would provide 360 degree movement to those people who would play that way, are given square touchpads. 360 should be circular touch pads. It's a no brainer. Some person thought it would look better and completely ignored the functionality. I cancelled my steam deck order for that simple reason. I want circular movement to equal 360.
Got my steamdeck last December and the most impressive device I've purchased. Thanks Valve and also to Linus for reviewing this!
any update on your review? is the steam deck still unfinished?
If the next generation uses OLED, there is no electrode battery. Increase battery capacity. The battery is also placed in the handle. Battery life should be doubled.
This needs to be reconsidered