Me gustan Arch Linux y las distribuciones de Linux basadas en Arch, principalmente por la disponibilidad del software y el modelo de lanzamiento continuo. He analizado docenas de distribuciones basadas en Arch a lo largo de los años, pero ¿cuáles son mis cinco distribuciones basadas en Arch principales? Referencia: ►
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00:01:56 > (5° Spot) Artix
00:06:52 > (4° Spot) EndeavourOs
00:09:16 > (3° Spot) Garuda Linux
00:13:04 > (2° Spot) ArcoLinux
00:18:00 > (1° Spot) Manjaro
00:22:02 > Honorable mentions: Introduction
00:22:42 > Honorable mention: ArchCraft
00:23:57 > Honorable mention: Mabox Linux
00:24:11 > Final thoughts
00:24:22 > Credits
Manjaro #1?
That did not age well! Maybe you can do a updated video?
I'm baffled by people who say Arch is great because it's a rolling release. Isn't Debian testing and Debian unstable also rolling release?
manjaro wins
That made me happy to see Manjaro at the top. Just recently switched to it after using FreeBSD for years. Before that ive used pretty much everything else, Slackware, Debain, RedHat, Ubuntu, Gentoo, Arch etc etc. I just like the freshness of it. Using the KDE Plasma Wayland version and its awesome.
garuda is so good i love it and am really thinking about switching to qtile since ive used a billion swms on a billion other distros
wish i had a thousand laptops and install every linux distro available lol…So much choice and i fight an urge to hop everytime i watch a DT video…thanks man.
I'm so sick of Cinnamon. 😂
every time i used majero it always brake
Do you have a commment on recent complainst that Majaro doesn't update their SSL and that they hold back releases of packages causing complications?
that top1 aged well, didn't it?
even if you don't have any problem with the "integrity" of systemd, other init systems like runit and openrc are still much faster than systemd
Hey DT, can you make a review of maxx desktop? Its kinda like the old irix system.
Really helpful, thank u for making this vid👍👍
When in cyber security i mainly used Arch, gentoo, and linux mint. Have a dual pc setup that each have separate linux ssds in them for testing but been going back between running Manjaro(currently on the laptop) or saying screw it and maining arch on this 5 year old laptop as a web dev use. Have gotten comfortable with KDE plasma, sweet theme, and bismuth tiling. Would you say still worth taking the dive and just maining arch on all machines?
I really like the look of Garuda but the current iso is badly broken out of the box. Some apps aren't linked in the Garuda Welcome and the internal speakers and headphone jack don't work on laptops. (HDMI and USB audio work fine.) I'll wait for a better offering from Garuda – the current version is not ready for prime time. I went with Manjaro and Dr460nized it while I wait.
Using the main Arch Linux for two months, JUST 4 months after entering into GNU/Linux OSs world.
It's not that hard which is written and said everywhere.
Took me just a week and thanks to Arch, now I know a lot more about how a Linux operating system works and any operating system in general.
After learning how to install and use Arch, it takes much less time than any other distro making stuffs done and work, through having preconfigured files and scriptions ready in my opinion.
I've only tinkered briefly with window manager distros, but Mabox is the first one that makes me want to dedicate serious time to learning the ins and outs. It is so nice!
I'm running Garuda now as my daily, having also used BigLinux for a little while. Both have a lot of convenience features built in, but Garuda has a very nice toolset that puts it out first. Coming from Debian I appreciated that in MX Linux, and I've wondered why more distros don't put in more convenient system tools.
I tried Manjaro long ago, but I think it's worth a revisit to how things sit now. It just didn't click with me before at all. Never tried ArcoLinux, but all out for user convenience now, so I'm going to give it a run too. Just see who wins out of the bunch.
Great video!
Manjaro is not just one of the best arch distros, its one of the best Linux distros period.
Thanks for confirming my good taste! #1
I'm new to linux, after all my distro hopping, ive settled on loving manjaro open box and manjaro. I dont know what the gell im doing in open box lol part of me wants to try endeavor os.
Not to brag about using Arch, being new to linux, Arch attracts me and i like it.
Manjaro sucks, see https://youtu.be/5KNK3e9ScPo
Tried garuda and even the downloader won't work, what a joke of an OS!