Prototipo PCB de alta calidad:
NGRBL es una plataforma para máquinas CNC y Arduino, que es compatible con el código de código G general. He diseñado un diseño 3D y un alto servo controlador con un diseño 3D y un alto servo controlador con un cuchillo de etileno o dos eje. Enlaces ————————————————- ——– Minecraft:
IV Video del proyecto: Tutorial de la página:
Remitente de código G general:
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Canal de español: 00: 00 Introducción 01:16 GBL PCB 05:26 ¿Qué necesitamos 07:08 Asamblea 10:17 Prueba 11:37 Configuración de GRBR 13:40 Gracias! Me gusta compartir y suscribirse para inspirarme. Gracias #cnc #Grbl #arduino
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can i adapt these pcbs to control a 3d printer?
Wow you are so intelligent. Brother im using grbl cnc router machine
does it differ from the cnc grlb shield?
Excellent! Definitely going to make that.
How invert z exis?
Hi i need help with my arduino cnc mechine can you help
Hello my good friend. Great instructional video as always. Do you have any more boards for sale? I want to build one of these machines for my daughter for Christmas present. Thank you in advance. Have a great day.
hi.. thx for very instructive tutorial.. question: can You make large format XY Plotter like ProSail does? or help me to make it and get paid for
A simplier way for calculating the steps without dimensions is to use the calculation…
Say you want 100mm movement then you tell the gcode sender to move 100mm
Then use…
100mm/moved distance x current steps/mm = new steps/mm.
This is the calculation for 3D Printers and should work pretty much exactly the same for the vinyl cutter for calculating steps. Much simpler than using circumfrances and pully tooth counts which adds unnecessary math.
Cool project I'm about to start assembling the boards, do you have a clear set of instructions of where each smd component goes on the board and what is the part number for the Mosfet that you use I ordered 5 boards so I might as well make one for the vinyl plotter and one for the CNC at the same time.
Great project, I am looking at giving it a go in New Zealand. Is there any reason why I could substitute the drive board and nano, for a CNC Shield and UNO? I have both of those already.
That is great, mechanics with bands and different rotor sizes but it is accurate and adaptive. I heard about dot matrix printers they had the same problem when starting and ending to prevent ink pointing they manually move the pinpointer to one side rims, I think the CNC is trying to draw when it tries to update the location in the same time but that is a very good project. ( Printer bugs )
This is super cool. Thank you for sharing all the files, on my way to build this 🙂
It's a sweet project. People pay a fortune for those. I have everything but the cutter to make like 20 of them haha
If I'm driving the y-axis with 2 stepper Motors, could I wire both of them to the same servo controller on the cnc shield?
I've been trying for 6 months now but the servant doesn't
I don't know what else to do!!
so in order to make a cnc plotter you need to have a 3d printer?
Why not use a 3rd stepper for Z axis? And add a spring loaded cutter.
Someone wrote below about a passive roller. That is heading in the right direction. It actually needs to be a second powered Y roller the other side of the cutter, with the vinyl pinched to it by a sprung loaded roller from above. This is exactly the same as paper XY pen plotters from years gone by. With this arrangement, the tension can be kept on the vinyl instead of allowing it to ruck up against the cutter.
For your next few episodes, can you design a big industrial sized vinyl and cardboard cutter with a powerful omnidirectional drag knife? Big CNC cutters are so useful. We need to open-source their design.
#Request plz add auto registration mark detection feature in second version.
nice idea putting the capacitors under the stepper drivers like this.
Tell me, can I connect the laser module?
Congratulations, very nice project. What preparation do you use for cutting?
Ooo. man you are Pro.
great work
run like old plotter HP7475 good job
PCB look like the standard GRBL (CNC) NANO board. Are there any differences?